Travel Safety on your Gold Coast Holiday

Just a few travel safety strategies when heading away on any holiday break can help prevent the stress and anxiety of things going wrong.

Compared with many other holiday destinations around the world the Gold Coast and Australia in general can be considered extremely safe places to visit. The following travel safety strategies outline some suggestions you can use to go away and enjoy a stress free break.

Travel with a credit card solely to be made use of in emergencies.

Even if you plan to make use of one or more credit cards for paying for a lot of your trip expenses, at least one card should only be for unexpected emergency expenses.

The main purpose of this travel safety strategy is to safeguard yourself, so always keep your ’emergency’ card in your hotel safe just in case you lose your wallet or worse still have it stolen.

 travel safety

Find out where the embassy or consulate of your home country is in relation to where you are going to be lodging.

In the event of losing your passport, you might need to spend some time there getting your papers in order. In the unlikely event of civil unrest or a natural disaster. you could possibly need to evacuate to there.

It is best to only stay in hotels that provide you a safe to make use of.

In it, keep your passport, emergency credit card and all your personal valuables that will fit inside the safe.

At all times keep your eyes wide open.

Safety first is not just a rule back home but just about everywhere you travel. Obviously you are keeping wary of pickpockets, but also remain visible and within sight of other people.

Be very careful crossing streets.

Traffic behaviour and protocols are usually very different from home and pedestrians may not have the same right of way you are familiar with back in your home country.

Never leave something that you care about out of your eyesight or unsupervised.

The chances are fairly good that you will never find it again. Even if it is not stolen, you may just simply lose it. In some cases, it may be mistaken for someone elses or simply cleaned up by a janitor. If you would like to come home with it, always keep it close.

Check with your existing insurance policy providers.

Covering all policies from car to health and find out exactly what type of protection you have while you are in a different country. Fully understand your lacks and gaps in insurance coverage and get a travel insurance policy that fills in these gaps for you so that you are fully covered.

In addition fully understand the health care scenario where you are going. Some nations have universal health care where all people on their soil are covered for everything for free.

You’re All Alone And Attacked By A Stranger. What Do You Do?

Although it’s very unlikely on the Gold Coast and of course it’s best to avoid the situation altogether, it can happen. You need to end the fight in a few seconds. You can’t rely on being gentle and polite. You have to do whatever you can to end the situation quickly.

‘Krav Maga’, which many believe is the best Self Defense Method, is available as a complete home study course including eBook, audios and a full set of videos! In it you can learn special moves designed to overcome face to face attackers in seconds! If you are travelling the world you never know when knowing them may just save your life somewhere on your travels.

With the travel safety strategies that are presented in this article, you should be able to journey abroad without incident or issue. Keep your eyes open and your wits about you, and you should come home jazzed from an adventure in a foreign land, full of tales to tell and photos to share that make your friends, family and fellow workers green with envy of your holiday on the Gold Coast Australia.